Running GUI applications in LXD on Fedora 26

Create container:

[iaroki@fedora ~]$ lxc launch images:debian/stretch chrome

Install needed tools:

[iaroki@fedora ~]$ lxc exec chrome bash
root@chrome:~# adduser iaroki
root@chrome:~# apt update
root@chrome:~# apt install x11-apps mesa-utils alsa-utils

Map UID and GID ramges:

[iaroki@fedora ~]$ echo "root:1000:1" | sudo tee -a /etc/subuid /etc/subgid

Set UID/GUID ranges for container:

[iaroki@fedora ~]$ lxc config set chrome raw.idmap "both $UID 1000"
[iaroki@fedora ~]$ lxc restart chrome

Mount X11 socket and .Xauthority file:

[iaroki@fedora ~]$ lxc config device add chrome X0 disk path=/tmp/.X11-unix/X0 source=/tmp/.X11-unix/X0
[iaroki@fedora ~]$ lxc config device add chrome Xauthority disk path=/home/iaroki/.Xauthority source=${XAUTHORITY}

Passthrough GPU device:

[iaroki@fedora ~]$ lxc config device add chrome GPU gpu
[iaroki@fedora ~]$ lxc config device set GPU uid 1000
[iaroki@fedora ~]$ lxc config device set GPU gid 1000

Check results with:

[iaroki@fedora ~]$ lxc exec chrome -- sudo --login --user iaroki
iaroki@chrome:~$ export DISPLAY=:0
iaroki@chrome:~$ echo "export DISPLAY=:0" >> ~/.profile
iaroki@chrome:~$ glxgears

Now we can install and run chromium browser inside:

[iaroki@fedora ~]$ lxc exec chrome -- sudo --login --user iaroki
iaroki@chrome:~$ sudo apt install chromium
iaroki@chrome:~$ chromium
Running GUI applications in LXD on Fedora 26

4 thoughts on “Running GUI applications in LXD on Fedora 26

  1. Joe Smith says:

    I have been following these examples, but where I get to the Passthrough GPU device: part
    lxc config device set chrome uid 1000
    I get
    error: wrong number of subcommand arguments

    On Fedora 27


  2. Joe Smith says:

    Answering my own question … đŸ™‚
    It should be
    [iaroki@fedora ~]$ lxc config device add chrome GPU gpu
    [iaroki@fedora ~]$ lxc config device set *GPU* uid 1000
    [iaroki@fedora ~]$ lxc config device set *GPU* gid 1000
    minus the asterisks, there for attention.
    Hope that helps someone

    Liked by 1 person

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